wilt disease


Wilt disease:

Causal organism= Cephalosporium sacchari


·      The first symptom of the wilt disease is visible in the canes of 4-5 months.

·      The effected plants are stunted with yellowing and withering of crown leaves.

·      The midrib of all leaves in a crown generally turns yellow, while leaf laming remains green.

·      The leaves dry up and stem develop had owner in core.  

wilt disease in sugarcane crop
wilt disease
Wilt disease

Favourable condition=

·      High day Temperature: 30-35 degree.

·      Low humidity: 50-60%

·     Low soil moisture and alkaline soils.

Disease cycle of wilt disease in sugarcane=


·      Through soil, plant debris, weed host.

·      Through fungus is soil-borne and remain in soil as saprophyte for 2-3 years.

Primary infection=

·      Through infected seed pieces, plant debris, and soil also.

Secondary infection=

·      Through wind, rain and irrigation water.



                       Culture Method

·      Adopt crop rotation.

·      Grow resistant varieties: Co
356, 370, 393, 859, 1158, 617, and BP-17

·      Maintain proper moisture in the field.

·      Avoid water logging condition.

·      Use proper deranged application in the field.

·      Proper sanitation application applies in the
field. E.g.: soil solarization.

·      Proper spacing maintain row to row and plant
to plant.

·      Remove infarcted part of the plant.

·      Apply good weed management practices.

·      Apply good irrigation application in the
filed area.



                        Chemical Method

Fungicides can be used to manage wilt disease in sugarcane

Example: Carbendazim.



                                             Biological control

·      The application of
biocontrol agents can help control wilt disease in sugarcane.

     Example: Trichoderma species.

                        Pseudomonas species. 

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