false smut disease in rice

False Smut Disease

False Smut Disease:

Causal organisms: Ustiloginoidea virens


·      False smut disease symptoms are seen on panicle stage.

·      Individual grains are transformed into mass of yellow coloured spore.

·      Only few grains in panicle are affected and remaining are normal.

·      Initially these smut walls are small and later on it increase to the size of 1cm.

           Initially these balls are covered by a large than later on this layer break and yellow-colored spores turn orange in color in color. Then again turn yellow green and finally become greenish black.

·      These spores present in smut ball are chlamydospores (resting spores that have thick outer layer which help in adverse climatic condition).

·      This mass of spores in formed between hills and inside each smut ball, there may be one to four sclerotia present.

False smut disease in rice
False smut disease in rice

Favourable condition:

·      Temperature: 26-28 degree.

·      Relative humidity: High

·      Continues rainfall.

·      High dose of Nitrogen  

Disease cycle:


·      Through soil and seeds (caring smut balls that contain chlamydospores sclerotia).

Primary infection:

·      Through ascospores formed from sclerotia and through chlamydospores.

Secondary infection: through chlamydospores.


                             Cultural method

·      Grow resistant varieties:

·      use disease free seeds.

·      Proper sanitation application applies in the field. E.g.: soil solarization.

·      Proper spacing maintain row to row and plant to plant.

·      Remove infarcted part of the plant.

·      Apply good weed management practices.

·      Excess application of nitrogenous fertilizer should be avoided.

·      Field bunds and irrigation channels should be kept clean to eliminate alternate hosts.

·      Early planted crop has less smit balls than the late planted crop.

·      Avoid field activities when the plants are wet.

                             Chemical method  

·      Spraying of copper oxychloride at 2.5g/L or Propiconazole at 1.0ml/L at boot leaf and milky stage will be more useful to prevent the fungal infection.

·      Seed treatment with carbendazim 2.0g/kg of seeds.

·      At tillering and pre-flowering stages, spray Hexaconazole@1ml/L or Chlorothalonil 2g/L.


·      At tillering and pre-flowering stages, spraying of carbendazim fungicide and copper base fungicide can effectively control the disease.

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