wilt disease

GRAM CROP DISEASES (wilt disease)


Causal Organism= Fusarium udum


·      Wilt disease may appear from early stages of plant growth up to flowering and podding.

·      The disease appears as gradual withering and drying branches and finally death of plant.

·      Yellowing of leaves and blackening of stem starting from collar to branches which gradually result in drooping and pre-mature drying of leaves, stems, branches and finally death of plants.

·      Vascular tissues exhibit brown discolouration. 

wilt disease
wilt disease

Favourable Condition=

·      Soil temperature= 17-25 degree

·      Continuous cultivation of gram in same field.

·      Monoculture of groundnut.

·      long periods of high relative humidity and rainfall.

Disease Cycle=


·      fungus survive in the infected stubbles in the field.

Primary infection=

·      Soil also borne chlamydospores and also by infected seeds.

Secondary infection=

·      Through irrigation water and implements.

Disease cycle of wilt disease= 


                               Cultural method

·      Adopt crop rotation.

·      Grow resistant varieties: Jawahar, Malviya, Arhar-2, Pusa-9, C-11 etc.

·      Maintain proper moisture in the field.

·      Avoid water logging condition.

·      Use proper deranged application in the field.

·      Proper sanitation application applies in the field. E.g.: soil solarization.

·      Proper spacing maintain row to row and plant to plant.

·      Remove infarcted part of the plant.

·      Apply good weed management practices.

·      Apply good irrigation application in the filed area.

                              Chemical method  

·      Seeds treat with Trichoderma viride at 4g/kg (106 fu/g)


·      Spray with Fenazaquin at 1 ml/Liter soon after the appearance of the disease and, if necessary, repeat after 15 days.

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