Scientific name= Oryza sativa.

Origin= Asia

v Area Distribution=

·      In all over world:

South and South East Asia, west Africa, central and south America, China, Vietnam, USA and Indonesia etc.

·      In India:

West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, M.P. and Maharashtra etc.

v Varieties:

·      Jaya,
Bala, Ajay, Ratna, Pusa 33, Pusa 169, PR 108, BR 29, BR 130 etc.

v Importance=

·      Rice is primarily a high-energy food.

·      It contains less protein than wheat.

·      The protein content of milled rice is usually 6-7%.

·      The biological value of its protein is high.

·      The by-products of rice milling are used for various purposes.

·      Rice bran is used as cattle and poultry feed and oil extraction.  

v Cultivation Practices:

A. Soil Requirement =

The three best different type of soils suitable rice farming. They are following:

·      Clayey loam

·      Riverine alluvial

·      Podzolic alluvium

P.H.= 5.5-6.5

B.                    Climatic requirement:

·      Temperature: 21-30 degree.

Rain fall: 100-200 mm.

Relative humidity:  60-80%

C.                    Sowing time:

·      In early sowing time: May-June

·      In rainy season sowing time: June-July

·      In summer season sowing time: November-December

D.                    Spacing:

·      Row to row :15-30cm

E. Seed rate: 30-250 kg/ha.

F. Field Preparation:

·      Field sanitation:

o  Remove all unwanted weeds present in the field.

·      Pre-irrigation:

o  Flooding irrigation provide in the field 2-3 days before first ploughing.

o  It helps to provide proper moister to the soil and also help to prepare field for sowing/transplanting.

·      First Ploughing:

o  Ploughing may be done by the traditional method and also mechanical method.

o  In traditional method with the help of animal and drawn plough can be done.

o  On the other hand, in mechanical method with the help of machinery like tractor can be done the ploughing.

o  The depth of ploughing should be 10-15 cm maintain.

·      Flooding:

o  After ploughing, the field is flooded for about 2-3 weeks to kill insects and weeds.

o  Some weeds may be germinated but these will be destroyed at the time of second ploughing.


Levelling is usually done in two phases:

o  A 1st rough levelling to lower the higher parts of the field, from which soil will be spread out over the lower areas.

o  A 2nd more precise levelling after ploughing and flooding


Source of content: R I C E H U B

G.                                                                  Irrigation practices:

·      During 1st week just wet the soil by thin film of water.

·      Depth of irrigation may be increased to 2.5cm progressively along the crop age.

·      Provide adequate drainage facilities to drain excess water or strictly follow irrigation schedule of one day after disappearance of ponded water.

·      Last irrigation may be 15 days before harvest.

H.                                                                  Weed management:

Culture method

·      Ensure through land preparation.

·      Summer ploughing.

·      Rain water conservation, preparation of stale seeded before sowing.

·      Timely sowing of crop.

·      Line sowing at recommended spacing to facilitate inter-weeding operation.

Chemical method

·      Pre emergence herbicide has been mixed with 50kg of dry sand on the day of application (3-4 DAT) and applied uniformly to the field with thin film water on 3rd DAT. Water should not be drained for next 2days from the field or fresh irrigation should not be given.

·      Pre emergence application (PE) of pretilachlor @750 g/ha at 3DAT followed by early emergence application of Chlorimuron methyl + Mestsulfuron methyl @4g/ha on 25 DAT.

·      PE butachlor 0.75 kg/ha-1+bensulfuron methyl 50 g ha-1 on 3 DAT + HW on 45 DAT.

Chemical method content resource: Weed Management :: Rice (tnau.ac.in)


I.    Harvesting:

·      Rice harvesting can be done when the moisture content of the, grain is reduced to 20-25%.

·      Rice ready for harvest when the grains are full but not cracking, with yellow hulls, and the stalks of the plant are slightly bent.

·      The rice plants reach maturity at around 105-150 days after crop sowing.


J. Yield:  3-6 tons grain/ha


Other important links:

Rice crop disease: RICE CROP DISEASES | agriculturestudymaterial

Other agronomy crops links:

Wheat crop:   WHEAT CROP | agriculturestudymaterial   

Maize crop: MAIZE CROP | agriculturestudymaterial

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