leaf blight disease
Maize Crop Diseases

MAIZE CROP DISEASES (Leaf Blight disease)

Leaf Blight disease:

Causal organism: Xanthomonas radicle.


·       Narrow, yellow, brown or orange lesion that have bight on the plant leaves.

·      Lesion can extend to several inches long and stay in between leaf veins.

·      Edges of lesions one wary and have a jagged appearance. This is one of biggest distinguishing from there disease.

·      Symptoms often appear on the bottom leaves of plant and travel.

·      Lesion can also appear or water soaked.

leaf blight disease
leaf blight disease

Favourable condition:

·      Temperature: 24-30 degree.

·      Relative humidity: 100%

·      Pathogen is formed by warm, humid condition and is thought to spread by wind driven rain.

Disease cycle:


·      Survive on corn residue and in the soil.

Primary infection:

·      Bacteria are splashed on to corn leaves if condition are conducive (warm and humid).

Secondary infection:

·      By rain drops and especially under windy storm

Diagram of leaf blight disease cycle in maize crop:

disease cycle of leaf blight disease in maize


                                 Cultural method

·      Do not grow maize in low, wet fields.

·      Provide adequate soil drainage.

·      Control grass weeds in or around the maize fields.

·      Deep ploughing.

·        Crop rotation with pulses

                                Chemical method

·      Treat the seeds with Metalaxyl at 4g/kg.


·      Spray the crop with Metalaxyl + Mancozeb @1kg on 20th day after sowing.

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