red rot disease in sugarcane disease


Red Rot Diseases:

Causal Organism= Colletotrichum falcatum



Ø The first external symptom in red rot appears mostly on third or fourth leaf which withers away at tips along margins.

Ø Typical symptoms of red rot disease in sugercane  are observed in the internodes of a stalk.

Ø The disease cane also emits acidic sour smell.

Ø The pathogen also produced Tinh reddish lesions on the upper surface of leaves with dark dot in the center.

Ø The lesions are initially blood red with dark margins and later on with straw-colored centers.


Favourable condition=

Ø Mon-culturing of sugarcane

Ø Water logged condition and injuries caused by insects.

Ø Relative humidity: 4.2-4.5 PH.

Ø Optimum Temperature: 29.4-31 degree.

Disease cycle=


·      though plant debris, soil, weed host.

·      Fungus is sets- borne also persists in soil on the diseased dumps and stubbles as chlamydospores.

Primary infection=

·      thought mainly from infected setts.

Secondary infection=

·      thought spread in the field through irrigation water and cultivated tools.


Diagram of red rot disease in sugarcane =


                                  Cultural method

Ø Adopt crop rotation.

Ø Grow resistant varieties: CO62198, CO7704.

Ø Avoid ratooning of the diseased crop.

Ø Maintain proper moisture in the field.

Ø Avoid water logging condition.

Ø Use proper deranged application in the field.

Ø Proper sanitation application applies in the field. E.g.: soil solarization.

Ø Proper spacing maintain row to row and plant to plant.

Ø Remove infarcted part of the plant.

Ø Apply good weed management practices.

Ø Apply good irrigation application in the filed area.



                 Chemical method

Ø Soak setts in 0.4%carbendazium solution for 15 min. before planting.


Ø Setts can be treated with aerated stem at 52 degrees from 4-5 hours and by moist air at 54degree for 2 hours.

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