Bajra crop


Bajra crop

Scientific name= Pennisetum glaucum

Origin= India

v Area Distribution=

·      In all over world:

Africa, Asia, India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Egypt, Arabia, and Russia etc.

·      In India:

Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana etc.

v Varieties:


·      KBH108, GHB905, 86M89, MPMH17, Kaveri Super Boss, Bio 448, MP7872, MP7792 etc.  

v Importance=

·      Pearl millet is important millet of India, second to sorghum in area and production.

·      In south India, crop is called as Sajje or Cumbu and in Hindi it is known as bajra.

·      It is also known as cattail millet or bulrush millet.

·      It is one of the coarse grain crops

·      It is one of the coarse grain crops and is considered to be poor man food.

·      It is important crop in arid regions of Africa and Asia.

·      It is the most drought tolerant crop among cereals and millets.

·      Bajra grains are eaten cooked like rice or chapattis are prepared out of flour like maize or sorghum flour.

·      It is also used as feed for poultry and green fodder or dry for cattle.

·      It survives well in condition of soil moisture stress as well as water logging and performs better than sorghum.

Source of content: 61.pdf (

v Nutritional value:

·      Protein: 11.6%

·      Fat: 5%

·      Carbohydrates: 67%

·      Minerals: 2.7

v Cultivation Practices:

A. Soil Requirement:

·      Well- drained, Loamy soils that are not acidic or saline soils.

B.          Climatic requirement:

·      Pearl millet is important forage climate grown over a wide range of soils.

C.          Sowing time:

·      Middle to last week of July month.

D.          Spacing:

·      Row to row spacing: 40-45 cm

·      Plant to plant spacing: 10-15 cm

E. Seed rate: 10-12 kg/ha.

A.          Field Preparation:

·      One ploughing followed by two (crosswise) harrowing and planking.

B.          Irrigation practices:

·      July sown rainy season crop may also need 1-2 irrigation depending upon distribution of rains.

·      For summer sown crop 4-5 irrigation are required.

·      In rabi season crop need about irrigation.

Source of content: Pearl millet.pdf (

C.          Nutrient and fertilizer management:

·      FYM: 150-200 q./ha.

·      N:P: K: 100:50:50 kg/ha.

·      Apply potassium, phosphorus and magnesium according to soil tests as recommended for grain.

·      Apply fertilizer at planting and the remaining about 3-4 weeks after planting.

·      Apply 80-100 pounds of nitrogen per acre in soils with a clay pan as per requirements.

D.                                                        Weed Control methods:

                                 Chemical method

Following some herbicides use to control weeds:

·      Atrazine@0.50kg/ha. Use as pre and post -emergence.

·      2, 4-D@0.25-0.75kg/ha. Use as post emergence.

·      Pendimethalin@0.50-0.75kg/ha. Use as pre-emergence.

·      Oxadiazone@1.0kg/ha. Use as pre-emergence.

Source of content: View of Weed management in millets (

A.          Harvesting:

·      The usual practice of harvesting pearl millet is cutting the ear heads first and the stalks later.

·      The stalks (straw) are cut after a week, allowed to dry and then stacked.

·      Grain at or below 14% moisture is considered dry.

·      For long-term storage (more than 6 months), grain moisture content should be less than 12%.

Source of content: Recommended_package_of_practices-Pearl_millet.pdf (

B.          Yield: 3-4 ton/ha

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