smut disease in sugarcane crop

Smut Disease in Sugarcane

Smut disease:

Casual organism= (Fungus) Sporisorium scitamineum

Symptoms of sumt disease in sugarcane =

Ø It is culmiculous smut cause the smut disease in sugarcane.

ØThe affected plants are stunted and central shoot is converted          into a long whip-like dusty black structure in smut disease.

ØThe length of whip varies from few inches to several feet.

ØAffected plants are usually thin stiff and remain at acute angle.

ØOccasionally smut sori may develop on the leaves and stem.


smut disease
smut disease
smut disease
smut disease

Favourable condition=

Ø Mona-culturing of sugarcane

Ø Continuous ratooning and dry weather during tillering stage.

Ø Temperature: 25-30 degree.

Ø Relative humidity: 65-70%


Disease cycle of smut disease=


Ø Thought soil, plant debris, weed host.

Ø Thought Teliospores may survive in the soil for long period.

Primary infection=

Ø Spread with diseased seed and

Ø also spread with rain or water.

Secondary infection=

Ø Spread through the smut spores developed in whips aided by air

Diagram of smut disease cycle=


                         Cultural methods

Ø Adopt crop rotation.

Ø Grow resistant varieties.CO356,CO 395, CO 421, COS 76, COS 109, POJ 28, POJ 8 etc.

Ø Maintain proper moisture in the field.

Ø Avoid water logging condition.

Ø Use proper deranged application in the field.

Ø Proper sanitation application applies in the field. E.g.: soil solarization.

Ø Proper spacing maintain row to row and plant to plant.

Ø Remove infarcted part of the plant.

Ø Apply good weed management practices.

Ø Apply good irrigation application in the filed area.


                          Chemical methods


·      Triazole fungicides such as propiconazole and triadimefon have been routinely used as dip treatments to protect seed-cane (stalk cuttings) from infection by sugarcane smut fungus.


·       Setts should be dipped in recommended chemicals prior to sowing,

Ø 5-minute dip in Bordeaux mixture (4:4:50),

Ø 5-minute dip in Agallol or Aretan having 6% mercury at 0.25% suspension in water,

Ø and 5-minute dip in mercuric chloride (0.1%) and formalin (1.0%) followed by a 2-hour covering under moist cloth are recommended.

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