brown spot disease in rice

RICE CROP (Brown Spot Diseas)


Causal organism: Helminthosporium Oryzae / Drechslera Oryzae  


·      Brown spot disease symptoms in rice occurs on nursery as well as on main crop.

·      Round or oval brown colored spots are formed on the leaves.

·      Spots measures 0.5-2.0mm in breath and resemble sesame seeds.

·      Spots are eye shaped with conspicuous dark brown at center and light margin.

·      Later on, the spots enlarge and emerged to from patches on leaves.

·      Several leaves show blight symptoms.

·      Brown colored spots also develop on grain.

·      Panicle neck show brown discoloration.

brown spot disease in rice
brown spot disease in rice
brown spot disease in rice

Favourable condition:

·      Temperature= 25-30 degree.

·      Relative humidity= above 80%

·      Excess of nitrogen aggravates the disease severity.


Disease cycle:


·      through seeds and plant debris.

Primary infection:

·      from infected seeds and plant debris.

Secondary infection:

·      through conidia spread from plant to plant with the help of wind, water and rain splashes.



Diagram of brown spot disease cycle:

disease cycle of brown spot disease in rice crop


                          Culture method

·      Remove plant debris and weed host before field preparation.

·      Grow resistant varieties: Co44 and Bhavani etc.

·      use disease free seeds.

·      Proper sanitation application applies in the field. E.g.: soil solarization.

·      Proper spacing maintain row to row and plant to plant.

·      Remove infarcted part of the plant.

·      Apply good weed management practices.

·      Apply good irrigation application in the filed area.

                          Chemical method

·      Use of sloe release nitrogenous fertilizers is advisable.

·      Treat the seeds with Thiram or Captan at 4g/kg. Spray the nursery with Edifenphos 40ml or Mancozeb 80g for 20% nursery.

·      Spray the crop in the main field with Edifenphos 500ml or Mancozeb 2kg/ha when grade reaches3. If needed repeat after 15 days.

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